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Convert data from DocArc to EndNote

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I used the excellent bib2endnote project recently as a starting point to convert a DocArc library of references into EndNote format. This method retains any attachments.

Brief notes


Modify “docarc” binary, changing:

sub new
  my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new( @_ );
  $self->agent( “getbibitem/$Version” );


    sub new
        my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new( @_ );
        $self->timeout(60000); # Use a stupidly long timeout!
        $self->agent( “getbibitem/$Version” );

in order to prevent timeouts.

In an empty directory, run “docarc -d -r files dummy.bib ‘*’ ” to generate a dummy.bib file containing the BibTeX references and a directory full of attached files.

Next, install NetBeans and modify bib2endnote slightly to support DocArc’s extended BibTeX fields (code supplied on request).

Run the conversion and load the generated XML into EndNote using Import XML option. Copy all DocArc attached files in the C:\CTR_TMP.

In EndNote, select all references. Right-click and choose to Convert all file attachments to relative links.

Remove C:\CTR_TMP.

Check the library and clean up any errors.

Finally, you can manipulate an EndNote library very easily by copying the files from the .Data directory into a MySQL database directory. They are in MySQL format and can then be queried / modified via MySQL before being copied back. After copying back, replace the .enl file with one of zero length and it will be regenerated form the .data directory after restarting EndNote.


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