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Convert OFX files to plain text

My bank provides OFX format files for download from their Internet banking website. This short perl script ofx2txt converts these into tab delimited text files suitable to be opened in Excel.

5 thoughts on “Convert OFX files to plain text”

  1. Wow — sounds like exactly what I need. …. but…..

    I clicked on the link for the word ofx2txt and it returned an error stating that there was no such file on the server.

    Where would I find the script?

    Do I need anything installed on my PC in order to run a perl script? (sorry — don’t know anything about perl, other than it is a programming language)


  2. Do you use Google Finance? I downloaded my portfolio in OFX and used your script, only I got this error message:

    mismatched tag at line 7, column 2, byte 65 at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/ line 187

    I’ll work on it this week to see if I can get it to work.

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